Family members and fire officials gathered at Brockton City Hall on Monday morning to remember the 13 firefighters who lost their lives 67 years ago in the Strand Theatre. For the past several years, members of the Brockton Fire Department and Local 144 have been working to build a permanent memorial. The Strand Theatre Firefighters Memorial Monument will be unveiled May 10 at 11:00 a.m. The memorial committee has been trying to locate descendants of the fallen firefighters. The public is asked to forward contact information about family members to

Members of the Brockton Pipes & Drum Corps march to the front door of City Hall on Monday after performing during the memorial ceremony to remember the fallen firefighters who died in the Strand Theatre fire 67

Ernest Howland shows his 3-year-old son, Jacob, newspaper clippings from the days after the fire in 1941.

Spectators watch from the second floor of City Hallas the Brockton Pipe & Drum Corps perform during a memorial ceremony for the Strand Theatre fire victims held Monday morning.